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Hilliard Law
Astroworld Discovery Survey
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case ID
First Name
Last Name
1. Biographical Information
a. Full legal name
b. Other names used
c. Current address
d. Address on November 5, 2021
e. Date of Birth
f. Place of birth
g. Driver’s License number
h. Social Security Number
i. Cell phone number on November 5, 2021 to present
j. Cell phone provider on November 5, 2021 to present
k. Medicare/Medicaid ID number, if applicable
l. Spouse name (if applicable)
m. Date of marriage (if applicable)
MM slash DD slash YYYY
n. Names of all persons who reside in your household and your relationship to them.
2. Education
A. Educational Institutes
a. Names of each school or institution attended post-high school, address and all degrees obtained or pursued during the past 10 years
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a. Names of each school or institution attended beginning with high school
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b. Address(es) of school(s) or institution(s)
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c. Dates of attendance
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d. Subjects/skills studied
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e. Degrees/certifications
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B. Current education
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a. If you are currently a student
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i. Date of enrollment
MM slash DD slash YYYY
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ii. Field of study
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iii. Extracurricular activities
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Request for Production
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C. Future education
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a. If you have been accepted to an education or training program post-high school
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i. The name of the school or institution
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ii. Your major
3. Employment for past 5 years
a. Name of employer(s)
b. Address(es)
c. Immediate supervisors
d. Job titles
e. Duties
f. Dates of employment
g. Wages/salary at termination
h. Reason(s) for leaving (if applicable)
4. Summary of experience at the event
a. Did you attend the event?
b. Did you purchase a ticket or wristband to the event?
c. Where did you purchase your ticket or wristband?
Front Gate Tickets
Stub Hub
Private individual seller
d. Did you consume any of the following on the day prior to the event?
Other Substances
d1. If so, please provide the quantity
e. What mode of transportation did you use to get to the event?
f. What time did you arrive at the event?
g. Did you scan your wristband to gain entry to the event? If not, what method did you use to gain entry to the event?
h. Describe the clothing you wore at the event.
i. For all individuals that you attended the event with during the event, please provide each individual’s:
i. Name(s)
ii. Address(es)
iii. Phone number(s)
iv. Social media accounts
v. Relation(s) to you
j. What time did you leave the event?
k. What mode of transportation did you use to leave the event?
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l. Where did you stay the night after leaving the event? If other than your home, please state the following for the individual or individuals you stayed with on the night of the event
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i. Name
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ii. Address
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iii. Phone number
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iv. Social media accounts
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v. Relation to you
5. Injuries
a. Describe each physical or emotional injury you experienced as a result of the event.
b. How did your injury occur?
c. When did it occur?
d. If any of your injuries have resolved, please identify the injury that resolved.
e. Describe how each of your injuries impacts your activities or work.
f. Describe the medical treatment you received for these injuries.
g. Identify the doctor, psychiatrist, psychologists or other medical professionals who diagnosed those injuries.
6. For each injury you believe was caused by or because of the event, did you ever have any impairment, complaint, symptom, or injury to that part of the body, or if an emotional injury, did you ever experience the symptoms of that emotional injury, prior to the event? If yes, please state the following regarding your prior injury, complaint, or symptom
i. Date(s)
ii. Circumstance/how it/they occurred
iii. Treatment
iv. Names of healthcare providers
7. List each doctor, psychiatrist, pharmacist, pharmacy, other healthcare provider you have seen in the last 5 years for chronic or serious conditions or conditions involving the same body part as the injuries sustained because of the event and please provide:
a. Name(s) of healthcare provider
b. Date(s) seen or visited
c. Reasons for visits
d. Diagnoses
e. Treatments
f. Medications prescribed
8. If you are claiming lost wages
a. How much time did you lose at work as a result of your injuries?
b. State the amount of past and future wages lost as a result of your injuries.
9. For each prior lawsuit, legal or administrative proceeding, including workers’ compensation, in which you have been a plaintiff or claimant, state the:
a. Caption(s)
b. Case number(s)
c. Court(s) in which the case was brought
10. For each web or mobile application, including social media accounts, payment apps, fitness apps, ride share apps, owned or maintained or used by you since January 1, 2021, please state:
a. Name of application(s)
b. All account names, user, tags, handles
c. Your account(s) URL
d. Description of frequency with which you use
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11. Please state the names of all individuals or entities with which you have discussed your injuries, including media, film, documentarians, online, law enforcement.
1. Did any of the following attend the event: your parent, child, grandchild, grandparent, or sibling, or another relative who lives in your household? If yes, please state the name of the individual and their relationship to you.
Name and Relationship Info
2. Observation
a. Did you see any of the following being injured during the event: Parent, child, grandchild, grandparent, sibling, or a relative that lives in your household? If yes, please state the name of the individual and their relationship to you.
(Seen) Name and Relationship Info
b. Were you aware during the event that any of the following had been injured at the event: parent, child, grandparent, grandchild, sibling, or a relative who lives in your household? If yes, please state their name and relationship to you.
(aware) Name and Relationship Info
c. If the answer to a and b is no, did you become aware that a parent, child, grandparent, grandchild, sibling, or a relative living in your household was injured at the event, after the event? If yes, state their name, relationship to you, their injury, how you learned of their injury and when you learned of their injury.
(After event) Name and Relationship Info
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3. Do you have health insurance? If no, and you are under 26, do your parents have health insurance? If yes, please state the name of the insurance company, the policy number, and state the name and relationship to you of the policy holder.
Name of the insurance company, the policy number, and state the name and relationship to you of the policy holder
Parents' insurance company name, the policy number, and state the name and relationship to you of the policy holder
Request for Production
Do you have, or have access to, the following documents or materials (please select all that apply). Please email them to
Proof of purchase and attendance such as tickets/wristband
Receipts and trip history for uber/lyft or any rideshare or transportation the day of the event
Receipts for food or beverages the day of the event
Receipts for hotel the day before and after the event
Receipts for medical expenses or treatment
Communications, including emails, or other materials relating to the event
Communications, including emails, or other materials relating to medical treatment or appointments
Social media posts regarding the event
Social media posts regarding your injuries
Text messages related to the event
Text messages related to medical treatment or diagnosis
Videos of the event
Videos of your injuries
Voicemails relating to the event
Voicemails relating to your injuries
Audio recordings relating to the event
Audio recordings relating to your injuries
Photographs taken during the event
Photographs of your injuries
Notebooks, journals, diaries, notes of event
Communications between you and your insurance carrier
Workers’ compensation claim documents for past 10 years
News stories or interviews by you relating to the event GPS location on November 5, 2021
Job applications completed after November 5, 2021.
Communications and articles regarding statements you made to news media or documentarians.
School records from January 1, 2020 to present (any post-high school applications, scholarships, grades/ transcripts)